July 17, 2008

Fear of the Lord

…And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied. Acts 9:31 NKJV

Proverbs 1:7 NJKV says “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge…” but knowledge of what? Well, perhaps it is knowledge that life is not all about us, but rather all about God and His purpose. It’s about focusing on God’s plans instead of our own self-centered plans. Fear of the Lord is about having the proper view of God, who is the One really in control. Everything exists because of Him and He sustains it all (John 1:3). Fear of the Lord is about being reverent and respectful of God’s sovereignty and His right to rule. It is a demonstrated respect for God through our obedience to His ways.

Walking in the fear of the Lord implies action on our part. Once we begin to understand who God is and our own fallen nature, our life changes. We are not sitting, standing, or laying down but walking, always moving, learning, reaching for more of the Lord, His Will and His Word. When we act on what we’ve learned as James 1:5 says about becoming “doers of the word”, it is followed by the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

The comfort of the Holy Spirit is something quite extraordinary. What brings comfort? Certainty, security, confidence, assurance and peace all provide a measure of comfort. The Holy Spirit provides these as He confirms our spirit with His in us. He guides us in all truth, so as more truth is revealed the more certain we are in our faith (John 16:13). As He brings to remembrance all things Jesus taught our confidence increases because we know the right words will be spoken in every situation (John 14:26). When we are steadfast in the Lord we have peace and comfort from the Holy Spirit which tells us we’re on the right path (Isaiah 26:3).

The result of walking in the fear of the Lord and in comfort of the Holy Spirit is God’s glorious purpose is fulfilled. God doesn’t want a single person to perish, but all to come to Christ and be saved (Matthew 18:14). As we are obedient, the brighter His light shines out through us. We are the light of the world Jesus told us in Matthew 5:14. His work in and through us will cause others to come to Him. This is how the church, the body of Christ is multiplied.

Lord thank you for your word and your Holy Spirit in us leading us in all truth. Enable us to be doers of the word that your light will shine forth from us and cause many to come and be saved. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Source http://thinkonitdevotions.wordpress.com

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